Start selling with just a few clicks!

Do you create handmade crafts or products as a hobby, or as a full time designer or professional? You can use this talent to earn money at PEOPLEIZE, and to make friends with like-minded individuals.!

Here’s how it works – Open a shop:
To open your store just click on this link “Click the signup button” then Register and you can set up your own shop with just a few clicks.

To help you in the transitional set up process PEOPLEIZE Marketplace will handle the PayPal payment process. You always have full access to your funds and can withdraw funds after items have been delivered to customer.

Getting Started
Once you register you will be directed to your control panel just click on the “My Shop” link from the left hand menu in My Account page and here you can provide the information needed to get going and even upload a picture for your online shop. And then you’re ready!

Congratulations! Your shop is now open! The web address to get to your shop will be:

PEOPLEIZE Marketplace is not directly involved in the transaction between buyers and sellers. We encourage you to communicate directly with buyers through our onsite messaging system, blog and media conversations.

It is important to market and manage your shop daily. PEOPLEIZE provides you with the tools needed to run and manage a successful business.
Joining and setting up a shop on PEOPLEIZE is free. Once you sell your product we collect a 3.5% administration fee on the sale price.

PEOPLEIZE Marketplace uses Paypal to handle our online payments system.  PayPal charges a estimate (3.9% + $0.39)** Fee per sale item. This is collected directly by Paypal at the point of sale. **The fees is set by PayPal. Visit to find out more.  PayPal is one of the world’s largest internet payment companies and charges a fee to sellers to process the online payment of item.

To help you in the transitional set up process PEOPLEIZE Marketplace will handle the PayPal payment process. You always have full access to your funds and can withdraw funds after items have been delivered to customer.

There are no membership fees with PEOPLEIZE.
Once you sell your product we collect a 3.5% administration fee on the sale price.

Getting your money: You go to PEOPLEIZE website and in your Account area under “Store Manager” section you request a withdrawal of the money you have made. We can transfer the money to your PayPal account.

After you submit a withdrawal request you will receive your money within 24 hours when it is sent to your PayPal account.